These shots are done by 25mm and EM-5 Olympus. Looking at the crop images, we can really see the sharpness it can produce and also the bokeh it can do. Do we really need a big DSLR and BIG lens? Only DSLR can do serious work? Or just DSLR make you look more professional?
To me, just bring what you think can make good images and enjoy the process. Why I am making this statement is that more and more so call photographers just like to compare each model and brands based on their spec sheet and wasting too much time judging the person based on the equipment he/she use. I also saw one poor beginner, after getting smaller camera system, got "pressure" by his/her friends who are using full frame DSLR. And in the end, sold all his m4/3 system to spend more for a FF DSLR and FF lens to be with them. It rather disturbing to know that. Does the people hold Fullframe DSLR make better photos? Did his friends give the right advice? After spending on a expensive FF DSLR, what do they print in term of size or do they resize it to publish into the web. Better dynamic range? Can a better dynamic range win awards in the photos? Use FF DSLR only and surely you know it can help you like the need of printing big print etc.
My photos are sometimes chosen by the press to print in the newspaper and I uses m4/3. The editors do not bother about what equipment I uses. The image they going to see and how it relates to the theme they want is the most important.